Brighton Marina Harbour Authority Safety policy & Statement of Policy
This safety policy adds to any existing safety policy required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and relates to Marine Operations and the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code.
The Harbour Authority is committed to:
- Manage its relevant assets safely and efficiently as per the management of Health & Safety Work Regulations 1999.
- Discharge its duties and powers in relation to marine operations
- Maintain relevant harbour equipment to agreed industry standards
- Recruit and train operational staff to agreed competence levels
- Ensure that staff are properly trained for emergencies and contingencies
In making these commitments, the Harbour Authority has appointed the Harbour Master to fulfil the role of Estate Managed Shoreside Operations Safety Officer and the Premier Marina Manager along with their Duty Managers to fulfil the role of Marine Operations Safety Officers.
The officers will be responsible for the following:
- Ensuring all risks are assessed and reduced to ‘as low as reasonably practical’
- Reporting, investigating and recording all accidents, and ensuring that lessons learnt are widely disseminated to appropriate persons and bodies
- Carrying out routine safety inspections on shoreside and marine operations equipment and reassessing risks as appropriate
- To form and attend an annual Harbour Users meeting and any other appropriate meetings such as monthly site liaison meetings. To liaise regularly with all those involved with shoreside and marine operations, and to act appropriately to feedback.
- To review this safety policy and recommend revisions to the Board at least every 3 years
Colin Tribe
Harbour Master
Brighton Marina Harbour Board
29th January 2018
Brighton Marina Company, being the Harbour Authority, in conjunction with Premier Marinas, who have leased the Marina areas of Brighton Marina, will ensure that Brighton Marina is operated efficiently and safely so as to safeguard the port, its users, the public and the environment. It is committed to performing all its duties and responsibilities in a safe and efficient manner.
The Harbour Authority will:
- Comply with all legal requirements
- Aim to meet the national requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code
- Heed the Guide to Good Practice on Port Marine Operations, published by the Department for Transport (Ports Division)
The Harbour Authority’s functions will be conducted openly and transparently in the overall longterm interests of the port’s stakeholders and beneficiaries.
In fulfilling its duties, the Harbour Authority is committed:
- To ensuring as far as reasonably practical the safety of all those who use and work in the harbour
- To facilitating safe navigation in the harbour and its approaches, and safeguarding the navigational access to and from the harbour
- To providing and maintaining viable harbour facilities
- To regulating the activities of all those who use the harbour and ensuring that the law is enforced whenever appropriate
- To conserving the environment and maintaining approved pollution prevention and nature conservation measures
- To formally review the Harbour Authority’s plans, policies and procedures at intervals of five years or less as part of the MCA health check trends program.
This Statement of Policy and Responsibility was approved by the Board for and on behalf of the Harbour Authority on 29th January 2018.